The Different Types of Weed Pipes: Which One is Right for You?

With so many different types of weed pipes on the market, it can be challenging to know which one is right for you. In this blog post, we’ll break down the most popular types of weed pipe so you can make an informed decision about which one is right for your needs.

Different types of weed pipes include:

  1. Glass pipes:

Glass pipes are one of the market’s most popular weed pipe types. They are made from heat-resistant glass and are typically very easy to clean. Glass pipes can be used for smoking and vaporizing weed.

  1. Metal pipes:

Metal pipes are another popular type of weed pipe. They are typically made from aluminum or stainless steel. Metal pipes are usually very durable and can be used for smoking and vaporizing weed.

  1. Wooden pipes:

Wooden pipes are less standard than glass or metal pipes, but they are still a popular option for many people. Wooden pipes are typically made from hardwoods like maple or cherry. Wooden pipes can be used for both smoking and vaporizing weed.

  1. Silicone pipes:

Silicone pipes are a newer type of pipe that is becoming increasingly popular. They are made from heat-resistant silicone and are very flexible. Silicone pipes can be used for both smoking and vaporizing weed.

  1. Spoon Pipes:

One of the most popular types of weed pipes is the spoon pipe. Named for their spoon-like shape, spoon pipes are small and easily portable, making them an excellent option for on-the-go smoking. In addition, spoon pipes typically have a carb hole on the side, allowing you to control the airflow and clear the pipe quickly. Cover the carb hole with your finger when smoking from a spoon pipe while lighting the bowl to prevent ash and debris from entering your mouth. 

  1. Chillums: 

Chillums are another popular type of weed pipe similar in shape to a spoon pipe but without a carb hole. Chillums are best suited for minor hits and are not designed for clearing the bowl in one hit. However, Chillum is an excellent option if you’re looking for a small, discreet pipe you can take with you on the go. Chillum pipes typically have no chambers or percolators, which makes them very easy to clean. 

  1. Sherlocks:

Sherlock pipes get their name from their likeness to the type of pipe smoked by Sherlock Holmes in Arthur Conan Doyle’s iconic detective you smoke. Sherlock pipes are available in both regular and bubbler styles. Regular sherlock pipes do have any water filtration, while bubbler Sherlocks do.

  1. Plastic pipes:

Plastic pipes are the least popular type of weed pipe. They are typically made from cheap plastic and can be very difficult to clean. Therefore, plastic pipes should only be used for smoking weed.


Regardless of which type of weed pipe you choose, clean it regularly to prevent buildup and ensure optimal performance. Pipes that are not cleaned regularly can become clogged and difficult to use. Luckily, most weed pipes are easy to clean with soap and water. If you’re looking for an easy way to clean your weed pipe without using any harsh chemicals, check out our guide on how to clean your pipe with salt and alcohol.